All water sold by the municipality shall be sold at the following rates:
First 1,000 gallons or less $16.00 per month
Next 3,000 gallons $ 1.60 per thousand
Everything over 4,000 gallons $1.75 per thousand
Consumers of water from said water works system outside the town limits of said town and the water sold at City Hall for Rural Water Haulers shall be charged for such water service at the rate of 50% in excess of the above rates.
Up to 1,000 gallons $00.02 per gallon
Next 3,000 gallons $00.015 per gallon
Everything Over 4,000 gallons $00.10 per gallon
Residential: All volume amounts $00.05 per gallon
Commercial: All volume amounts $00.15 per gallon
All Commercial water sales must go thru the water department. Said water department has the right to adjust the price or refuse service.
The Town of Mountainair will purchase a meter that will be assigned to commercial customers who get water out of water hydrants. This will be a tamper free water meter in which we record the meter reading when we give it out and record reading when we receive it. The Town will assign a certain water hydrant to the customer to get water from, to allow for flushing and exercising of hydrant, and to allow for monitoring the customer’s consumption. There will be a $50.00 per incident fee if the customer is found using a different water hydrant than they were assigned by the Town. If there is an issue with the hydrant, the customer is to contact Public Works Department or Town Hall to get assigned a different hydrant. Customers will be assigned a water ticket which shall be used to identify themselves. With the purchase of this water meter, the Town will require all commercial customers to use our water meter, and not use their own. There will be a $10 per day charge for the meter. If the meter is used monthly, the customer must bring it in at the end of each month to have a meter read and a bill will be generated. If the meter is taken out within the last 10 days of the month, then meter can be returned the next month and does not need to be brought in at the end of the first month of use. If the Public Works Department needs to assist in filling up at the hydrant, there will be a $25.00 per fill-up charge. If the customer damages or does not return the meter, there will be a $1200 charge for the meter.
If for any reason a meter is not registering because of malfunction or vandalism, the Town will estimate the monthly water bill using an average of three (3) months previous usage before said malfunction or vandalism.
First 1,000 cubic feet $25.00 minimum
Next 2,000 cubic feet $1.15 Per 100 cubic foot
Next 2,000 cubic feet $1.00 Per 100 cubic foot
Next 95,000 cubic feet $0.90 Per 100 cubic foot
All Over 100,000 cubic feet $0.80 Per 100 cubic foot
The rates established in Item A. Above shall apply so long as the Town's cost for purchase and delivery of natural gas is $5.80 per 1000 cubic (1 MCF or 1 MMBTU) as indicated on monthly billing from the town's supplier(s).
Changes in the purchase price of natural gas from the base price established in Subsection B. shall be reflected at the rate of 110% of the actual increase (or decrease) on each gas customer's monthly billing and shall be identified as 'GAS PURCHASE PRICE ADJUSTMENT' (Adjust). The adjustment shall reflect all applicable purchase price charges prior to each monthly billing cycle.
Residential $21.00 for the cart, contact the Town's Billing Clerk for all other trash rates and for EVSWA tip tickets. For more information on using a transfer station, click here.
*rates subject to change
Meters are read the 15th of the prior month. Bills are due and payable by the 20th of each month. Penalties will run on the 21st of each month. Disconnects will occur on the 6th of the following month. No payment arrangements are accepted.
Town Council: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month 6:00 pm, Council Meeting Room, located at 109 N. Roosevelt, Mountainair, NM 87036
Mountainair Transfer Station